Sponsorship Opportunity

Welcome to Podsift, the platform that simplifies staying informed. Our daily emails provide concise, AI-generated summaries of the best podcasts in tech and business, saving busy professionals valuable time. With over 250+ podcasts to choose from, our subscribers get content delivered to their inbox, allowing them to stay informed on the latest trends.

The trends of podcasting are UNDENIABLE

  • 61% of podcast enthusiasts have a 4-year college degree, post-grad degree, or some advanced academic laurels.
  • 88% of podcasts listeners tuned in to pick up fresh knowledge.
  • 34% of Americans listen to podcasts weekly, up from 31% in 2023
  • Average podcast listeners tune into 8 different shows per week
  • Social media is a significant discovery tool, with 36% of listeners finding new podcasts through platforms like Instagram and Twitter

Our Numbers

117,000 Social Media Reach

Podsift's social media channels have grown rapidly, now reaching over 117,000 users across Instagram, TikTok and X (Twitter).

34,336 Total Emails Sent

With over 34,000 emails sent, we deliver valuable, AI-generated summaries directly to inboxes, ensuring consistent engagement with our subscriber base.

1,312 Email Subscribers

Our subscribers are highly engaged individuals who trust Podsift for timely and concise podcast summaries.

1,710 Social Followers

An active and growing community of podcast lovers and tech enthusiasts - who engage regularly with our content.


By combining email newsletters, web podcast profiles, and social media ad placements, brands can naturally blend into the user experience of Podsift through non-intrusive placements, ensuring your message is seen without disrupting the flow of valuable podcast insights.

Newsletter Ad Placement

Our newsletter ads are strategically positioned to capture attention while subscribers engage with content they trust and value.

Social Media and Web Sponsor

Your brand can become part of the ongoing conversation on Podsift's social platforms, and web podcast profiles, with name sponsoring, and custom-branded shared content. Sponsors gain high-impact exposure through personalized placements in our email summaries, social media content, and branded collaborations, ensuring maximum engagement and return on investment.


Email us at advertising@podsift.com and receive a proposal or schedule a call with our team to create a sponsorship plan that aligns with your brand, including ad placement in our web page, daily email summaries and targeted social media content.

Copyright © 2023 by Podsift
Contact us: contact@podsift.com